Diana Ballon

“A Perfect Storm” on University Campuses

Relationship breakups, exam stressors, homesickness, and fights with roommates are no longer the main difficulties affecting university students. Instead, mental health experts describe post-secondary students’ struggles as vast — everything from depression to anxiety, stress, eating disorders, substance use, trauma, abuse, and occasionally a first episode of psychosis. Living through the pandemic has only made these problems that much more visible and obstructive.

Nature has its benefits

Who doesn’t know intuitively that nature is good for us – that we likely feel calmer and less stressed when we are in a forest or a park or walking by the water? While we know that nature enhances our cognitive, emotional and spiritual well-being, new research also indicates its physical benefits too.

It’s Time to Plunge Into Horseshoe Valley

I don’t always like the feeling of running hot and cold — at least when it’s about a relationship. But when it comes to temperature changes, Horseshoe Valley makes these fluctuations feel pretty darn therapeutic — even decadent. I am referring to my experience at the new Vettä Nordic Spa, located about 1.5 hours from Toronto, which I recently combined with cross-country skiing and an overnight stay at the nearby Horseshoe Resort.