
I focus my travel stories on health and wellness, with a particular focus on fitness for women 55 plus. Although historically I have written stories on everything from weekend getaways, to food and wine to intergenerational family travel, a wellness focus seems to blend well with our times. Today, we live in the era of COVID, so travel writing isn’t really about crossing distances. But fundamental to travel writing is the exploration of place, and for now that place is home.

So while I won’t be travelling internationally for a while, I continue to focus on staying fit, eating well, and cycling and hiking in Ontario. And because I am 55 years old, I will write about what I know, targetting other active women, who like me, continue to challenge ourselves with daily online fitness classes in our living rooms and cycling and walking and hiking in nature.

My stories have appeared in many major North American publications, including the Globe and Mail, The Toronto Star,, Canadian Cycling Magazine, City Parent, Daily Hive, Empty Nest,, Forever Young, Travel Life Magazine and West Jet Magazine.

Staycations mean you can stay — and get away

The idea for arranging staycations with each member of my family was inspired by a tradition my psychologist aunt initiated many decades ago. When she visited my cousins, she would meet separately with each child and let them direct how they wanted to spend their allotted time together. Fast forward about five decades, and I decided to make a similar arrangement with my kids – and my husband as well. The same sentiment applies — to make each person and each relationship special.

COVID travel: What to know about your next hotel stay

Many of us are itching for the calm environment of a hotel room and a different environment, even if that is just an hour or two’s drive away. But is it safe? That really depends — on your own tolerance for risk, your willingness to take some safety precautions yourself while you are aware, and how much you can trust the hotel you are booking at.